Virus Infects 450,000


The virus, which was first discovered 3 months ago, has now infected 480,000 people and killed 21,000. While some countries (China, Singapore, South Korea) have managed to "flatten the curve", the countries with the most rapid increase in infections right now are Italy, Spain, and the United States. It also came to decision to postpone the Tokyo Olympics until the summer of 2021.
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Kosovo's congress dismissed government on Wednesday, which threatens to plunge the country into political chaos for months. After just 2 months in power, the opposition party voted 82-38 in a bid to dissolve the Prime Minister's cabinet over a dispute regarding the Coronavirus and how to contain it. Kosovo is just 12 years old, and declared independence from Serbia in 2008.
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New Zealand

The man responsible for New Zealand's deadliest mass shooting changed his plea to guilty on Tuesday. He admitted to the murder of 51 Mosque worshippers in March of 2019. 
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