SpaceX Wants Worldwide Internet

SpaceX launched 6o tiny satellites into orbit on Monday as it begins building StarLink. These satellites intend to provide higher speed internet to all areas of the world. SpaceX's plan is to send 60 satellites into space every other week until they ramp up production and reach 42,000 total satellites (recently approved by the FCC). The project would provide internet to people in remote location and will cost approximately $10 billion dollars by the time its fully functional (hopefully 2021).

Public hearings began on Wednesday into whether President Trump abused his power. The first hearing included George P. Kent (Deputy Assistant Secretary for European/Eurasian Affairs) and William B. Taylor (Acting Ambassador to Ukraine). Democrats see these public hearings as the next step in their impeachment inquiry, while Republicans are ramping up their efforts to discredit the hearings (and the inquiry) as a whole.

Protests have turned violent as police breached university campuses to arrest protestors in Hong Kong. This marks the sixth month of protests which began with an extradition bill (which has since been removed) introduced into Hong Kong's legislatorial body and has now morphed into a pro-democracy movement. As police conduct raids in universities, and Hong Kong falls into a recession, millions are left wondering; when will the violence end?

Google has been keeping millions of healthcare patient's records without their permission. Dubbed "Project Nightingale" Google teamed up with healthcare company Ascension in order to create AI which could revolutionize the healthcare industry. Facing a lawsuit, both companies claim that the practice of sharing user data is not only, "standard practice" but is also not against the law. 

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